Brooks drew us a picture of a person. It is pretty amazing. I love that the eyes and mouth are so big and that there is no body. Sorry that he is picking his nose in this picture but it was a keeper because of how amazed we were with his artistic ability.

Brooks reminds me lots of his Opa. He concentrates so hard on all his projects and has the cutest faces when he is deep into a project.
Brooks reminds me lots of his Opa. He concentrates so hard on all his projects and has the cutest faces when he is deep into a project.
Brooks is starting early with the exercise. His Grandma Johnson got him outfitted in her workout gear and put him through a workout...OR did he put Grandma Johnson through a workout?
Sometimes I look at pictures and get sad. Brooks seems like such a little man to me. Yikes! I think he's going to be over six feet tall, running out the door to get to basketball practice, and driving my car in no time flat. He is such a beautiful child and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him. I already spend lots of time praying for him in hopes that his life is full of great things with little sadness and hurt.
Wow, that was deep.