Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

We have a six month old! We are amazed at how fast she is growing up and how we feel like we've known her forever. She is a wonderful addition to our family and the perfect child to finish off our family. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby.

Here is the six month recap:
--Chloe has no teeth, but might be getting her bottom left tooth. She has been drooling quite a bit lately and is very interested in chewing her fingers.

--Chloe has a wardrobe that never ends courtesy of her Oma and Opa. Chloe never has to wear "repeat" clothing. Chloe has had fun blessing other families with her hand-me-downs.

--Chloe wears size 6-12 month clothing and in some stores she wears 12 month outfits.

--Chloe has lots of rolls on her legs. So many, that mommy and daddy have to be sure to pull on them in order to clean between them.

--Chloe has tons of hair and it gets in her eyes if it isn't pulled back.

--Chloe sleeps from around 7:30 pm until 6:00 am. At that time, she likes to be moved to the living room by the fireplace. Then, she sleeps for another 2 hours or so. She usually eats breakfast around 8:00 am.

--Chloe eats rice cereal, formula, veggies and fruit. So far, there is nothing she won't eat.

--Chloe loves her "silkies" and needs silk by her face in order to fall asleep.

--Chloe barely sits up (mostly because we haven't tried).

--Chloe's entire body smiles when she recognizes someone coming into the room.

--Chloe only cries when she is tired or has a dirty diaper.

--Chloe has had no illness or health concerns since she was a baby. Her ear is healed and looks normal unless you know something was wrong with it and PRAISE THE LORD she has had no kidney problems at all.

--Chloe is a princess, wears lots of pink and is spoiled rotten by everyone who knows her.

We love you, Belle. Happy 6 month birthday, sweetie. XOXO

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