Chloe had part of her one year appointment this week. She wasn't able to get her shots (she needs to technically be one) but she did have a check-up from her doctor. She has struggled with an ear infection that will not go away for the last couple of months. We were relieved to hear that it is just a bacteria that is resistant to the medication she had been on (two rounds so far). The doctor didn't say anything about tubes or further treatment. We left with one more round of medications that should help.
The doctor told us to stop the bottle at anytime. We have decided to finish our one last can of formula and go to whole milk. She also said there really is no need for baby food anymore. So, we are onto things like bananas, eggs, cheese and crackers. Chloe doesn't have a whole mouth of teeth, so it is hard to find things that she won't choke on. She seems to love the eggs, though.
Here are her one year stats:
Height: 30 inches or 88%
Head: 18.5 inches or 95%
Weight 23# 7.5 oz or 90%
Chloe seems like our "little peanut", but we think that might be because Brooks was off the charts, 100% and would have been 150% if there was such a thing. So, Chloe seems tiny to us but is huge compared to other children, just like Brooks was.
Chloe says:
All of these words would be impossible to understand if you were not her Mommy or Daddy, though.
Chloe is either happy or sad. There is no in between with her. She goes from 0 to 100 in no time flat and already knows how to have temper tantrums (they are SO fake that we have a hard time not laughing when they occur).
Chloe is really pretty, as you can see. Most of the time we just want to kiss her, cuddle her and snuggle her. She doesn't hold still very long and is most content when she is swinging on the swing set.
Chloe isn't the best sleeper as she needs something to eat in the middle of the night many nights. She refuses to eat right before bed, leading her to a midnight cuddle session with her daddy. Some nights are much better than others.
Chloe loves her brother and wants to be near him at all times. If she is in her playzone, she stands at the edge and grunts until we take her out and let her "see" what her brother is doing.
Chloe is a princess and still lets us put bows in her hair. She's learned to pull them out though, so we may have less ribbons and bows in the very near future.
Chloe wears size 18 month and size 3 diapers.
We love our baby girl and can't believe she is just about one. I heard an awesome quote last weekend that said, "The days are LONG, but the years are SHORT." Amen to that statement.
We love you, Chloe.
The doctor told us to stop the bottle at anytime. We have decided to finish our one last can of formula and go to whole milk. She also said there really is no need for baby food anymore. So, we are onto things like bananas, eggs, cheese and crackers. Chloe doesn't have a whole mouth of teeth, so it is hard to find things that she won't choke on. She seems to love the eggs, though.
Here are her one year stats:
Height: 30 inches or 88%
Head: 18.5 inches or 95%
Weight 23# 7.5 oz or 90%
Chloe seems like our "little peanut", but we think that might be because Brooks was off the charts, 100% and would have been 150% if there was such a thing. So, Chloe seems tiny to us but is huge compared to other children, just like Brooks was.
Chloe says:
All of these words would be impossible to understand if you were not her Mommy or Daddy, though.
Chloe is either happy or sad. There is no in between with her. She goes from 0 to 100 in no time flat and already knows how to have temper tantrums (they are SO fake that we have a hard time not laughing when they occur).
Chloe is really pretty, as you can see. Most of the time we just want to kiss her, cuddle her and snuggle her. She doesn't hold still very long and is most content when she is swinging on the swing set.
Chloe isn't the best sleeper as she needs something to eat in the middle of the night many nights. She refuses to eat right before bed, leading her to a midnight cuddle session with her daddy. Some nights are much better than others.
Chloe loves her brother and wants to be near him at all times. If she is in her playzone, she stands at the edge and grunts until we take her out and let her "see" what her brother is doing.
Chloe is a princess and still lets us put bows in her hair. She's learned to pull them out though, so we may have less ribbons and bows in the very near future.
Chloe wears size 18 month and size 3 diapers.
We love our baby girl and can't believe she is just about one. I heard an awesome quote last weekend that said, "The days are LONG, but the years are SHORT." Amen to that statement.
We love you, Chloe.