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Sunday, July 18, 2010

We don't allow comments on this blog for lots of reasons. One of them being that we don't really want others to get all bent out of shape about a post and decide to tell us how to parent. This might be one of those posts that you think it would be best to call us up and tell us we are not parenting correctly. I guess we will find out if we are doing a good job, but in the meantime here we go.

Brooks loves his babydoll. We have only had two or three in our house and he is very drawn to them. One of them is in the bathtub and he can often be found scrubbing the babydoll and taking really good care of babydoll in the tub.

Today we got out a second doll from Chloe's closet for Chloe to play with. She really doesn't have any (or many) "girl" toys, so we thought it might be time to get another babydoll out for her to enjoy.

As you can see, Brooks took to the babydoll right away. He loves her and takes such good care of her. Today he spent lots of time changing her diapers (wipes and all), feeding her, changing her outfits, putting her to bed with her special blanket and pillow and snuggling her.

I suppose some would say, "Take that babydoll away and get that kid some tools!" I disagree. My little Brooksie is so amazing. He is such a "man's" man and at the same time has traits that are super sensitive and might be looked at as feminine.

Do I think that letting Brooks play with this babydoll will confuse him about his sexuality? Na. I don't. A high strung Mama might panic about it, but that just isn't me.

Brooks is going to be a strong man someday. I can see it now. He will be the protector of his family, the man who does the grilling and mows the lawn and the man who tucks the kids into bed while singing them a lullaby. Don't you just think the world could use more men like I just described?

I adore that Brooks loves his sister's babydoll. Will I let him bring it to school with him next month? Na. I'm not that adoring of it!

Love to all who read our blog.

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