Chloe doesn't enjoy how Play-Doh feels between her sweet fingers. She wants it, screams for it and begs to be part of what "Brother" is doing, but when she is given the real life yellow stuff...she hates it!
So, after bribing Brother to share, dealing with him being selfish and having a temper tantrum because Sister has some of "his" Play-doh, she doesn't want it anyhow.
Oh, but wait...this is Chloe we are talking about. So, even though she doesn't want it (and actually as you can see she despises it) she also doesn't want it taken away from her. I am not sure how to win this battle. She cries if she has it, cries if she doesn't.
Oh, dear are so your Mother's child.
Eww...take it away...wait, don't take it away...but I hate how it feels...but I want it...Waahhh!
Brother continues to want to do anything and everything "real" hockey players do. He likes to have his occasional protein shake to get muscles (while sitting in Chloe's seat, much to her despise). He likes to obey like "real" hockey players. He likes to take a shower like "real" hockey players and he even likes to be nice to his sister like the "real" hockey players are. We are so thankful he wants to be a "real" hockey player. Those "real" hockey players sure are obedient. (wink...wink...)

Not sure why I need to share (or re-share) this photo. I guess maybe because this about sums up my little man and his zest for life. Although challenging at times, when I see a picture like this I can't help but count my blessings.