Just one year ago and my babies really looked like babies. Right now, I am listening to Brooks act like a baby (screaming at the top of his lungs because he doesn't want to go to the bathroom before bed), but they are not babies anymore. Boo, Hoo.
Tonight Greg bought Brooks a video game type thing (not the real deal, but close). It's amazing to watch him catch onto it and figure it out. He looked like a little MAN holding the controller. Yikes.

Chloe is doing her best to keep up with Brother. Tonight she even got to wear UMD PJ's and a UMD helmet just like Brother! (Pictures to follow). She isn't so much a baby anymore either, although she is closer to one because almost every minute of every day she is crying or whining! I wouldn't change it for the world, but I would LOVE for her to learn to talk. It would make everything so much more peaceful.

Speaking of peaceful, we don't have a very peaceful house at this stage in life. I continue to look forward to the day that Greg and I can hold a conversation. It will be great, although I don't wish these years away because I know we are blessed to be these two beauties parents.