The kids took part in their first parade. They did great minus the couple of almost accidents when they'd attempt to throw candy and drive at the same time.
I may have said something to Greg like, "Honey, you are going to have to go up front! I can't handle this! They are going to crash and my anxiety is through the roof!" Of course Greg helped me out and did what he could to try to keep the kids on the road.
It was a blast to take part this year. I'm sure that as the kids get older the float that the Do-Jo's enter in the annual Lake Dowling parade will evolve into something even bigger and better!
It's fun to make memories.
Speaking of memories: I had a few "almost wet my pants from laughing" moments this weekend. All of which involved Steph. One "almost wet my pants from laughing" moments was most definitely when I attempted to put Steph on the back of my bike and drive her around the lake for the parade.
(We succeeded, by the way and we will never tell if we might have wet our pants just a little bit!)