When we first found out we were having a girl I was worried that a brother and a sister wouldn't connect the way two brother's would connect.
My boy and my girl have found lots of ways to be buddies. There have been a few moments where Brooks embraces his feminine side but it doesn't last very long. Just imagine Brooks playing tea party for about one second before smashing the tea party off the table onto the floor with his double axe. He tries to do girlie things, but he isn't very interested.
Chloe, on the other hand, is 100% in tune with her masculinity. She is tough and can hang with her brother. Right now, most of what she plays with Brooks is dictated by him and she plays along trying to please him. It's pretty cute until she gets mad at her brother and scratches him across the face (because he's undoubtedly been mean to her) with her sharp little fingernails and he starts to scream.

"Chloe, Let's play doctor! Here you go, Chloe. You take the stethoscope and I'll lay down. Then Chloe, you can be the doctor and I'll be the patient. Okay, Chloe?"
(These captions are written exactly how Brooks talks. Millions of "Chloe's" in one sentence, lots of directives and always ending with "Okay, Chloe?")
"Hey Chloe, I have an idea. I'll get my scuba mask and saw and you put your weapon on and we'll have a battle. Okay, Chloe?"
"Hey Chloe. Look at me Chloe! Look at me! Do this! Okay, Chloe?"

"Hey Chloe, I will build a ladder for you to climb up the back of the couch. Come on, Chloe. Come here. Let's climb up the back of the couch. Okay, Chloe?"
"Hey Chloe, (I know it's only 6 in the morning), but I'll dress up and be the protector and we'll get Daddy with our double axe. Follow me, okay Chloe?"
He's got his little sister wrapped around his little finger. After he asks "Okay, Chloe?" she answers "da" which means "yes" in Chloe language. Then, she scampers behind Brother and does pretty much as he says.
I guess having a boy and a girl is going to be okay after all.