I always think that the current Thanksgiving is the one that I feel the most thankful. This year is no different. I have thought in the past that I could "never be more thankful than I am this year", but each year I am proven to be wrong. I am so thankful this year for so many things. I will list some, but not all since there are so many.
First and foremost I am thankful that I was raised to love the Lord. I am thankful for this because now I have an awesome husband who loves the Lord and an awesome responsibility to teach my child to love the Lord.
I am secondly thankful for my beautiful baby boy and my wonderful husband. This blog is all about both of them, so if you read this frequently, you know how awesome they are. They are my two best buddies and I am glad that I have two main men in my life.
I am also so thankful that I am able to live near all of my family. It is such a blessing to work for a family business and such a blessing to have two sets of Grandparents who are so involved in Brooks' life as well as a Great Auntie Linda who loves Brooks like her own.
I am ultra thankful for the friendships I have with my sisters. I have two built in friends and to be honest that is all I really need. We have so much fun together and share so much.
I am thankful for my church, my trainer at the gym, my house, my athletic ability, my great chiropractor, my co-workers, the YMCA, my I-Pod, my bikes, my scooter, my jogging stroller, my hairdresser and so many other people and things.
Okay, so don't be offended if I mentioned something like an I-Pod and forgot to mention you or something you think should be much more important to me. I am thankful for so much that I can't even scratch the surface on this blog. I thought I would give you an idea of what I am thankful for.

If Brooks could tell me what he was thankful for some things would be:
His Mommy
His Daddy
His Soose
His Bow-Wow
Ka-ka and Jo-Jo
Again, I am sure he is thankful for more than this, but these are his obsessions right now.

I am sure Brooks is thankful for his toys. He has enough of them to supply a day care center.

Kennedy told me that tonight at church she is going to talk into the microphone and tell the people that she is thankful for her little boy Brooks. How sweet. She loves him so much.