Today is my older sister's birthday. Happy birthday, Steph (a.k.a. Auntie S'ers, Ti-Ti, Sissie or Obsessalee...)! We love you. You are such a blessing to our family. It is so cool that you had kids first, so you could teach us how to be better parents. It is the BEST that we both get to stay home (well...3 days a week) and be together. Maggie and Kennedy have such a passion for life and it is a direct result of your enthusiastic parenting and love you give them. It seems like you "do it all"! I admire you, respect you, and want to be you most of the time! I am so thankful that we are buddies. What would we do without each other?

Burrito Union 10-hour triathlon. So fun. Remember that we had enough food for around 50 people and there were only 11 of us? Funny.
Burrito Union 10-hour triathlon. So fun. Remember that we had enough food for around 50 people and there were only 11 of us? Funny.
Brewhouse Tri. I remember being soooooo sad when you were just finishing your run and I was just starting my bike. Of course, you cheered me on, but to be honest I was really jealous of you. We look happy in this picture. Probably because we were done.
Got to love Body for Life. We've been on so many journeys together, but this one was the best! Too bad we don't fit those dresses anymore. A lifetime battle, right? At least we are in it together!