It is no wonder that Brooks likes his Daddy so much. Greg has so much fun with Brooks and never seems to get tired, annoyed, worn out or lazy (all things that happen to me every so often). Don't get me wrong, I know I am a good Mommy, but I really think that Greg has most parents beat. Any Mommy would be happy to come home to these pictures on the camera. Once again, don't get sick of me saying this, I am BLESSED.

Brooks likes to wear Mama's new helmet. We both have super big heads. I bet this helmet will fit him perfectly some day (it is an XL). Not that I will encourage him to wear flowers or anything.
Brooks likes to wear Mama's new helmet. We both have super big heads. I bet this helmet will fit him perfectly some day (it is an XL). Not that I will encourage him to wear flowers or anything.
Brooks likes small spaces lately. Right now he really likes to "party" in this little nook outside our bedroom. We chant "party in the nook, party in the nook" and he laughs and claps. Today, while I was at work it looks like Greg and Brooks had a super fun "party in the nook". It was so much fun, I can't even find Brooks!
Brooks loves playing with his play food. He got a kitchen in the mail this week but it didn't have all the parts. (BTW: If you want my opinion on The Company Store, I would say DON'T DO IT! They are slow to deliver their products and the items are not worth the price. We've have two or three bad experiences now.) So, Brooks climbs up to the table with his food and wants to pray lots and lots of times a day for his play food.