We headed out to the lake yesterday to do some yard clean-up before it snowed. The joke is on us, I guess. It started to snow on our way out there and continued the entire time we were raking the yard. By the end of the day, we were raking up mostly snow with a few leaves. Finally, my mom declared that we were "done". I think the bags full of snow were a little too heavy and it didn't really make sense to rake snow. We were able to get tons accomplished before the snow got too bad and next spring will be much easier now. It was really nice to get outside in the crisp air.

Here I am with Steph before the snow got too bad. We had a really good system going and we worked really fast.
Here I am with Steph before the snow got too bad. We had a really good system going and we worked really fast.
We love this picture because it really expresses who we are. We love being outside, we don't really like to dress up and we are just plain old in love! Cheesy I know, but it seems like snow makes us fall even more in love.
Kennedy worked really hard yesterday. She was working with a "servant heart" and didn't quit until we all were ready to go inside. She took a short break to make a snowman with Oma.
Maggie much preferred to stay inside and be warm (I don't blame her). She also enjoyed rides on the dolly.
The day was great. Thanks to Auntie Linda who watched Brooks so we could get lots of work accomplished. When we picked Brooks up he wasn't doing very well. He had a temp, was super sad and cuddly. He ended up falling asleep in my arms (miracle...never happens) and ended up throwing up all over Greg in the evening. He seems better today, but he broke our hearts last night. Thank the Lord for answering our prayers. We hate when Brooks is sick.