Brooks is doing so good in his big bed. He is so obedient. He does not get out of his bed no matter what, even if he isn't sleeping. Recently, he has been having a hard time taking a nap. He still stays in his bed (today for almost an hour!) and sings, talks to himself, stands up on his bed and plays with his blankets. Not once has he tried to get out of bed. He drops things (his book or his pacifier) and he doesn't get out of bed to get them. He just sits there and cries for his lost items until we go in his room and get them for him. It is so funny. We don't think he realizes that is isn't his crib and he can get out anytime he wants to. Maybe it was the stern voice that Greg used the very first night, but he is doing awesome. I just can't stand seeing him grow up so fast, though.

Good morning, Buddy! Good job staying in your "big boy bed"! We are so proud of you.

"Yep! I love my new bed! Good Morning to everyone!"

We played outside and enjoyed the wonderful weather on Wednesday. It got so hot playing that we took out the hose and ran through it. I should clarify though, Brooks was scared of the hose and the powerful water coming out of it. He just stood and watched his cousin Kennedy run through it. He also cried a little bit until his Auntie turned the pressure down a little bit. Then he was willing to take a sip of water.

Some things that are new with Brooks:
1.) He loves cottage cheese, applesauce and yogurt. He now feeds himself with a "poon" like a big boy. He makes a mess! (see pic)
2.) Brooks says "Veggie Tails" when he wants to watch Veggie Tails on TiVo.
3.) Brooks went to the dentist for the second time yesterday. His teeth look great and he didn't even cry this time! Yeah!
4.) We tried to take Brooks' pacifier away two nights ago. It was a very sad situation. He cried and I mean sobbed. It broke my heart and we gave in. This is bad, but if you would have seen Brooks you would have too. We will try again soon or maybe he'll be the only 4th grader with a pacifier! Who knows...
5.) Brooks needs a haircut. This kids hair grows so fast. I think he's had like 4 or 5 cuts so far in his short little life.
6.) Brooks is putting mini sentences together. For instance yesterday he said "I want soose (pacifier)". Not exactly the sentence we want him to say, but pretty impressive.
7.) We finally found shoes to fit Brooks and he loves them! His feet are very chubby so it was a huge struggle to find shoes that fit. Finally, Oma bought him some Robeeze that look like real shoes and they work wonderfully. I would highly recommend them. (They are expensive, but that's what Oma's are for. Right?)
8.) One of the only things Brooks holds still for is to put his shoes or socks on. For some reason this is one time he enjoys holding still. This is basically the only time he holds still.
9.) Brooks fell asleep on his babysitters lap on Thursday at 6:45pm. He has never done this for us. He must have been worn out.
10.) Brooks continues to be the joy of our lives. He is so much fun.
Tomorrow Greg has a half marathon and we are heading to a local fall festival to enjoy the crisp air. It should be fun.
Love to all!