Today we hit the "rocky" beach. It was a perfect day. The temps were in the low 60's and the feeling of Fall is in the air. Brooks loves being outside and really enjoyed a change of scenery. He insisted that the stick in the picture below was meant to pick people's noses. First he "picked" his nose with it and then he tried to "pick" my nose with it. Funny.

This isn't the best picture of us, but we NEVER get them together since I always have the camera. We loved walking the Lakewalk and looking at the beautiful lake that surrounds us. Sometimes I forget how beautiful our city is. A trip to the Lakewalk is a great reminder. It was a perfect day.
This isn't the best picture of us, but we NEVER get them together since I always have the camera. We loved walking the Lakewalk and looking at the beautiful lake that surrounds us. Sometimes I forget how beautiful our city is. A trip to the Lakewalk is a great reminder. It was a perfect day.
After a walk on the Lakewalk we hit up the UMD farmer's market. It was great. I went grocery shopping yesterday and could not believe the prices of some of the veggies. Today, however, I was able to get ALL the veggies I passed on yesterday for less than 1/2 the price. It was great! I love to make veggies in the oven so I was overly excited about the market. Here is a peek at what we got! (I got Greg some beef jerky and some homemade zucchini bread. I couldn't pass it up. It was a bargain and it is so fun to support local farmers.)
The veggies started as this and finished as a yummy side to our salmon tonight! We followed a recipe from the Tosca Reno Eat Clean Cookbook. If you don't have this cookbook and like healthy food, I recommend it. If you don't like healthy food, you won't appreciate this cookbook at all. She just came out with her Eat Clean for Kids and Families Cookbook as well. I don't have it yet, but plan on asking for it for Christmas. Brooks doesn't have any dislikes yet, so I don't really have to "hide" nutritious food on him yet. I am sure the day is coming where I will have to serve him a "cookie" (wink, wink) out of the Tosca Reno cookbook! Until then, we all just get to enjoy fresh veggies! Brooks showed us this morning how much he even likes zucchini! Way to go, Buddy!