Happy Birthday to Greg! Greg turned 36 years old on Saturday! You would never guess he is that "old" because he takes such good care of himself. We were able to get together with my side of the family on Thursday night for cake. It was fun to honor Greg in a "low key, no attention on me" setting. Greg never likes being the center of attention, so he was thankful that the "party" was actually a "non-party". Greg got a super cool Garmin GPS watch from my family. It has some pretty cutting-edge settings. The one that I think is the coolest is the setting that allows you to race against yourself. For instance, Greg can go on a trail run and program that trail run into his watch. The next time he goes on that exact trail run, he can "race" himself by looking at his watch and a little "guy" on the screen. He is able to try to beat his time on the last trail run along the same course. It does a lot of other really cool things too. I think it was the perfect gift.
Brooks got his daddy some new Crocs and a raincoat for camping and fishing. In the card, Brooks mentioned how excited he was to go camping and fishing with his daddy! It won't be that long before he can! WOW!

I made Greg wear this stylish hat for the picture. For those of you who know Greg, you realize this hat wasn't in his comfort zone. He is a no-frills type of guy. I thought it was cute, even if it was just for a picture.
Brooks got his daddy some new Crocs and a raincoat for camping and fishing. In the card, Brooks mentioned how excited he was to go camping and fishing with his daddy! It won't be that long before he can! WOW!
I made Greg wear this stylish hat for the picture. For those of you who know Greg, you realize this hat wasn't in his comfort zone. He is a no-frills type of guy. I thought it was cute, even if it was just for a picture.
I was very impressed with the Dairy Queen. I asked them to put a swimmer, a biker and a runner on Greg's cake. I fully expected to pick up the cake and see stick figures. This was better than I had expected. Greg's first comment was "Oh no, that guy has hair! They made a mistake!" Funny guy.
We went to Maplelag for a series of mountain bikes races this weekend. We left on Friday and came back last night (Sunday). We were excited to have our Auntie Linda come with and experience Maplelag. We still think everyone should experience the beauty and unique setting of Maplelag. The racing was fun (Greg reports). I didn't race. I pre-rode the course with Greg and decided that I would never come back in one piece if I tried to race the course. It was very technical and my skills are less than phenomenal right now. I was able to run the trails and do lots of relaxing. Auntie Linda took lots of walks with Brooks and relaxed on her last weekend before going back to school.
Here is Greg right before hitting a "Lakeside drop". It gave me lots of anxiety watching him go down it. I just kept praying and squinted my eyes a little bit when he descended. He did really good though and had no crashes. He told me afterwards that this race was the hardest he has worked all summer. That is saying a lot since he's done a ton of events.
Up next is the Burrito Union 10 hour tri on Saturday. It should be a blast! We have three teams put together for a day of fitness and fellowship. Our pastor is even taking part.
Brooks is doing great. He now identifies fish and calls them "sips". It is pretty cute. He is napping right now and trying to get caught up from less sleep than usual at Maplelag. He was a super good boy all weekend and I think we are headed in the right direction. He seems to get easier each day. Yeah!