This past weekend we did the Burrito Union 10 hour triathlon. I did it on a team of 3 (me, Steph and Laura), my parents and our pastor also did a three person team. Greg did it on a 2 person team with Keven. The three person teams had to split the triathlon (swim, bike, run) between each member. By the end of the day, our team (Team DOJO) did 6 full triathlons and my parents team (Team Run with Endurance) did 4 full triathlons. Keven and Greg's team had to rotate every other triathlon. For example, Greg would do a WHOLE tri and then Keven would do a WHOLE tri. This went on for 10 hours! These guys are amazing. Greg did 4 full tris (all faster than I could even dream of doing ONE tri) and Keven completed 3 full tris! These guys didn't even hurt the next day. I don't get it, but am amazed at their abilities.

It was great to have Grandma Johnson watch Brooks for part of the day on Saturday. The report is that Brooks was lots of fun. I think he is always best in his own environment because it is so "Brooks friendly". Thanks Grandma for watching him!
It was great to have Grandma Johnson watch Brooks for part of the day on Saturday. The report is that Brooks was lots of fun. I think he is always best in his own environment because it is so "Brooks friendly". Thanks Grandma for watching him!
On Sunday I was doing something in the bedroom and Brooks comes walking in with this beautiful new hat that his daddy made for him. I couldn't get a picture straight on, but you get the idea. Brooks thought is was funny, but Daddy might have thought it was even funnier! :) Just another example of how much fun we have!
We were able to hit the park on Sunday after church. I think this is just about the best picture I have of Greg and Brooks. The temperatures were perfect and the day was super relaxed. I love fall and can't wait until the leaves turn. Greg and I plan to go to Lutsen for a day with Brooks to get some good pictures and enjoy the fall. Last time we were there I was pregnant with Brooks and we did some really fun running and hiking on the trails up there. I wasn't able to mountain bike but while Greg did that, I got a massage! Nothing feels better when you are prego!
Anyhow, today Brooks seems a little bit sick. He has some "green boogers" as we like to call them. It seems like every time he goes in our church nursery he is sick by Wednesday. I guess that's what happens when he plays with toys that have germs and kids that are infected! It's good for him though and he needs the socialization. I just hate dealing with the sickness that comes with it. We do praise God for how healthy Brooks has been. We know we are blessed with such a healthy little boy--I have to remember that and be thankful for that every day.