Brooks was a Zookeeper for Halloween. His costume came straight from the San Diego Zoo thanks to Steph and Keven. They saw it on their trip and couldn't resist. You can see why. The costume also had a key for the animal cages and some really sweet sunglasses that got broken within 1 minute of Brooks wearing them! Brooks figured out trick-or-treating and did a good job saying "trick-or-treat" and holding up his bucket. The only problem was that Brooks wanted to eat each treat that he got and he didn't understand leaving the treat in his bucket. So there were a few temper tantrums, but what kid wouldn't be sad if his candy was taken away from him?

We went over to our Auntie Lee-Lee's school to trick-or-treat in the different classrooms. It was really fun to see Auntie in her room and we got to meet some of her students as well. Brooks loved that Daddy was with him today (dressed as a train conductor, as you can see) and Mommy was even more pumped to have the help!
(P.S. I am the one who "made" Greg dress up. For those of you who know him, this is NOT in his comfort zone and would not be his first choice. What a great sport!)
We went over to our Auntie Lee-Lee's school to trick-or-treat in the different classrooms. It was really fun to see Auntie in her room and we got to meet some of her students as well. Brooks loved that Daddy was with him today (dressed as a train conductor, as you can see) and Mommy was even more pumped to have the help!
(P.S. I am the one who "made" Greg dress up. For those of you who know him, this is NOT in his comfort zone and would not be his first choice. What a great sport!)
Instead of trick-or-treating from house to house tonight, we went to church for the party they host each year. Our church is super generous and do a really good job with the kids. There were games for all ages, a costume contest (Brooks on stage in the picture below), a meal and tons of candy. Brooks got on stage during the contest, looked into the audience (who were clapping for him) and started to smile and clap for himself. It was pretty cute. I don't know if he won the contest, but in my mind he should have!
On the way home tonight we were singing the song "Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar in the afternoon..." or something like that! Brooks' blood is mostly sugar right now and I can't wait to see his diapers tomorrow!