Brooks has become such a big boy. He now can officially climb to the top of the slide and go down all by himself. It is so fun to watch how proud he is of himself when he does this. He loves repetition, so you can imagine how many times a he climbs up and slides down in one visit to the park. Brooks is really fast too. I mean really fast. If I turn my head for a split second he is halfway up the slide or all the way across the field. Seriously, this kid has a future in track. (Okay, maybe football. He has his 18 month check-up and he is almost 35 pounds! Are you kidding me?)

Getting ready to go down the slide...
Getting ready to go down the slide...
While Daddy worked today, we took an adventure out to Oma and Opa's house. It was one of the better days we've had in a long time. Brooks does his best when he isn't bored, and there was so much to do at their house. They live on a dead end dirt road and have a huge yard to run in. Brooks played outside for hours and had such rosy cheeks when we came inside. It was so cute. He loved to pick me flowers and run to me with them saying "mama, mama, mama". Then, he'd take them away from me and give them to Oma. Then, he would decide he actually wanted to give them to his Auntie. It was the thought that counted, right Brooks?
We went up the North Shore on Tuesday night to get some smoked fish and have a picnic at a beach. Brooks had one of his worst nights ever. He was just really crabby, crying a lot and didn't seem to have much fun. I was able to capture this cute profile of him mesmerized by the lake. We think he is getting his 2 year molars right now. He has had terrible diaper rash and seems to be drooling a lot more than usual. We will have to blame his "not so Brooks like" attitude on the teeth and no nap. It was still nice to have a change of pace and the company was great. Thanks Auntie Linda for the great idea!