Greg and I went to the lake last weekend alone! Although it is always fun to see Brooks after time away, Greg and I had a blast being together and enjoying things we don't get to do so often anymore. Those things would include: Running on trails together, making dinner together at a slow pace with noBuddy (pun intended) helping us, taking a sauna together, reading for hours on end while eating ice cream, and enjoying a show at a local college in our town. We had so much fun loving each other up, catching up on things and being in love. Thanks to the wonderful family who took wonderful care of Brooks. I did hear that "having three kids is hard" though! :) Thanks to Mom and Dad too, for letting us use the cabin and have it all to ourselves.

This pic was taken on one of our runs. We are such dorks. We ran with the camera to capture some of great memories that we made last weekend.
This pic was taken on one of our runs. We are such dorks. We ran with the camera to capture some of great memories that we made last weekend.
Here he is at a beautiful waterfall we found on our run. So romantic.
It was great to see Brooks upon return and he slept for over 3 hours when we put him down for nap. I heard he had a hard time napping during our trip. I think it might have something to do with knowing his cousins were in the same house playing during nap time. He adores his cousins and can't seem to settle down when they are around. It is the best.