We went to a wedding on Saturday night for Greg's cousin. It was a very unique wedding that was held outside. The bride and the groom obviously had this wedding exactly how they wanted it. It was very cute. The dinner was Mexican food, the bathrooms were port-a-potty's with extra toilet paper, deodorant and lotion on a cute stand right outside each "bathroom", and the hot chocolate bar was a hit. The kids were very included in the wedding as well. There were toys for them to play with (lots of toys), a craft table to make crafts, and the first three or four dances were kid friendly. I was impressed with all the attention to detail.
Brooks got to see his cousin Dylan, who he rarely gets to see. Dylan is exactly 9 months younger than Brooks (to the day), and it is amazing the weight difference between the two! Dylan is light as a feather and Brooks...well, not so much. We were able to get a picture of the two of them with their Grandpa (Greg's dad). When I asked Greg's dad which kid he'd like to "hand over", he decided he'd give me the "heavy one". Too funny. Brooks is getting so hard to hold.

Here is our family at the reception. You can see the kids glasses and slinky in the picture. They also had play-dough for the kids. How fun.
Brooks got to see his cousin Dylan, who he rarely gets to see. Dylan is exactly 9 months younger than Brooks (to the day), and it is amazing the weight difference between the two! Dylan is light as a feather and Brooks...well, not so much. We were able to get a picture of the two of them with their Grandpa (Greg's dad). When I asked Greg's dad which kid he'd like to "hand over", he decided he'd give me the "heavy one". Too funny. Brooks is getting so hard to hold.
Here is our family at the reception. You can see the kids glasses and slinky in the picture. They also had play-dough for the kids. How fun.
On Sunday, we were getting ready for church. It is amazing how much kids understand. We got Brooks' coat and shoes on him and he says "Jesus". We said "yeah, we are going to "see" Jesus" and he then decides it would be appropriate for him to fold his hands and pray. It is amazing how at such a young age kids pick up on things. Of course we don't think Brooks really gets it, but it is pretty cool that he associates church with folding his hands and praying. A couple of weeks ago after church, we couldn't get Brooks to stop saying "AMEN!". He must have said it 50 times. It is so precious.
On Sunday afternoon, Brooks and I decided to make a surprise visit to the lake. Greg was out mountain biking with his buddies and Brooks was refusing to nap. We showed up at the lake just in time for Brooks to help mow the lawn. At first there were tears, but only for a couple seconds. As you can see, he ended up loving riding on the mower. We took a nice, leisurely walk around the lake and got back just before the rain. The ride home was a little rough because it was past bedtime and we (I) forgot his blanket that he is so attached to. All is well though and the day was relaxing.