Steph showed up at my doorstep on Easter Sunday riding her pink scooter. She told me to get a jacket on and get my scooter so we could take a spin! It was pretty cold, but she promised I would be invigorated when we were done. It was pretty fun to ride my scooter, but Steph couldn't get her's started again once she had turned it off to come to the door! Bummer. So, I put my scooter in the driveway and we took out our bikes. By then, Laura showed up and we all had fun riding up and down our dirt road. We know that we have motorcycle helmets on, but there was no sense in changing. I am sure that the neighbors just wonder what in the world we are thinking!

Steph, Laura, Me
Steph, Laura, Me
My dad showed up for dinner and got Steph's scooter to work! Yeah! So, it was us on our bikes and my dad on his PINK scooter riding up and down the road. One of our neighbors was unloading his truck during our ride and kept looking at us like we were crazy. I guess we kind of are.
As Greg would say, "We have created a monster with forts!" I could not agree more. Greg taught Brooks all about forts and has been inventing cool forts for the last week or so. Now, when we put Brooks to bed at night he tries to make a fort out of his ONE blanket he sleeps with. We look at our monitor and just laugh because Brooks is trying to get himself, his water, BaBa and his Thomas stuffed animal all into the fort without it coming apart. Here is one of his daddy's latest.