I can't believe how fast the last week or so has gone by. This is a good thing. The quicker the days go the quicker our little princess will arrive! :) Things around here have been very "normal" lately.
Greg attended a triathlon camp all weekend and had a good time with his cousin/brother-in-law, Keven. Brooks and I had lots of quality time together and also got to see lots of Oma and Opa which was a blessing! I can't imagine not having Greg around. I would hate to be a single mom and I really respect all single moms. I don't know how they do it.
Here are some pictures of our last week or so. Brooks continues to grow in his language. He uses full sentences now and is very easy to understand. It is really fun that he is able to tell us what he wants/needs. We continue to work on hitting and he has done much better at the YMCA and the church nursery. He has not, however, stopped hitting his two favorite people, Kennedy and Maggie. I think he just gets so excited that he doesn't know what to do and he hits them and pulls their hair to show his emotions. So, we will keep working on it and Brooks will continue to have time-outs as long as he is hitting. Overall though, he is a very sweet boy who is very sensitive (just like his daddy)!

He loves his alligator and his Mickey Mouse that he got at Disney from his Oma and Opa!
Greg attended a triathlon camp all weekend and had a good time with his cousin/brother-in-law, Keven. Brooks and I had lots of quality time together and also got to see lots of Oma and Opa which was a blessing! I can't imagine not having Greg around. I would hate to be a single mom and I really respect all single moms. I don't know how they do it.
Here are some pictures of our last week or so. Brooks continues to grow in his language. He uses full sentences now and is very easy to understand. It is really fun that he is able to tell us what he wants/needs. We continue to work on hitting and he has done much better at the YMCA and the church nursery. He has not, however, stopped hitting his two favorite people, Kennedy and Maggie. I think he just gets so excited that he doesn't know what to do and he hits them and pulls their hair to show his emotions. So, we will keep working on it and Brooks will continue to have time-outs as long as he is hitting. Overall though, he is a very sweet boy who is very sensitive (just like his daddy)!
He loves his alligator and his Mickey Mouse that he got at Disney from his Oma and Opa!
Greg took out the canoe last week while I was at work. I asked Greg, "Why was the canoe in the front yard?" He replies, "Because Brooks wanted to paddle it!" I should have known. I was thinking he had to out preparing for his upcoming camping trip, but NO, he took it out just to let Brooks play with it. He is such a good daddy.
I was telling my mom today that it is going to be so neat when Brooks and his daddy go camping together. I am all for our little girl going too, but I think there will always be something very special between Brooks and his daddy. It will be neat to send them off for the weekend knowing they are building great memories.
He looks pretty natural for a two year old! We have really enjoyed when we have sunny days. It is so nice to be outside without a million layers on. Today we took a run and Brooks does so great in the Chariot. I am thankful he is patient with me because it takes me much longer lately on my runs. I can't imagine what people think when they see my big pregnant belly, pushing a stroller, running (shuffling!) down the street. I just keep telling myself that it would be much worse to stay inside and not exercise even though it is a ridiculous sight to see me try to run! We made it 4 miles today and I think I will pass on telling everyone how long it took us!
I was asked to post a belly picture. Maybe I will do that soon. I don't have any yet. I will have to get Greg to take one for me. It isn't my favorite look but I'll try to get one and post it soon!