We love Easter. Not because of the candy and the Easter Bunny, but because it is one of, if not the most important holiday that we celebrate. On this day we are reminded that we are all sinners and that Jesus died for us on the cross and rose again to save us from our sins! Oh, how we wish everyone who read this blog believed in the wonder of this holiday. Our prayer for anyone reading is that you find the real meaning of Easter, and thank the Lord for giving us his son to allow us to live forever!
Now that we have Brooks we are even more able to be thankful to the Lord for giving his ONLY son, Jesus. I think of giving my son and letting him die on the cross so others could live forever and I can't seem to wrap my mind around it. I don't know that I would be willing to do that. Thank you LORD for giving us Jesus and sacrificing him in order that all of us (all sinners) could live forever. I am so glad we have that hope.

On that note, we also had the Easter Bunny to our house this year. Brooks got a really cool Alligator from the Easter Bunny who showed up at Auntie Bean's house!
Now that we have Brooks we are even more able to be thankful to the Lord for giving his ONLY son, Jesus. I think of giving my son and letting him die on the cross so others could live forever and I can't seem to wrap my mind around it. I don't know that I would be willing to do that. Thank you LORD for giving us Jesus and sacrificing him in order that all of us (all sinners) could live forever. I am so glad we have that hope.
On that note, we also had the Easter Bunny to our house this year. Brooks got a really cool Alligator from the Easter Bunny who showed up at Auntie Bean's house!
We had a chance to stop to see Brooks' Great Grandparents before lunch. He enjoyed the present and the jellybeans while we were there.
If Brooks doesn't throw up or at least have really gross diapers today I will be shocked. My child has eaten so much sugar today, that I can't believe he is down for a nap right now. I thought he would be on a sugar high and wouldn't be able to sleep. We figure it is a holiday and half the fun is letting Brooks indulge.
Happy Easter to everyone!