Today was another great day spent with Oma and Opa. We are staying at their house this week for extra support while daddy is hunting. Brooks woke up with his "crabby eyes" on. He ate breakfast and needed a nap right away. Before he was put down to take his much needed morning nap, he got to take a shower with Opa! It was so cute. I don't know any child who likes the water as much as Brooks. We were able to get the biggest smiles out of him when his head was under the water.
After the shower Brooks was put down 0nly to wake up 45 minutes later (while I was trying to get a quick workout video in). Once Brooks was up, he didn't stop crying and whining for the next hour. He was then put to nap again and this time slept for almost 2 hours. Once he got up from his second nap he was finally ready to go for the day (at this point it was noon!).
We headed over to Arby's (the new one in Kenwood!) to meet Oma and Opa. From there, we went to meet Auntie S'ers and Cousins for a walk on the Lakewalk. Today was an absolutely perfect Duluth day. It was 55 degrees and sunny. We walked for a little bit over an hour. Brooks was carried the last 20 minutes or so, because he was getting a little bit whiny. I giggle at myself because I know I shouldn't give in to his whining (Auntie S'ers makes fun of me for it too) but he is just so cute. I love the feeling of being so needed by my son. It's awesome.
Tonight we all congregated once again at Oma and Opa's house. Opa grilled chicken for us and we all had a blast watching the kids play. They are such great entertainment. I can't imagine Brooks growing up to be Kennedy and Maggie's age. They are so smart and are so much fun to listen to. I want Brooks to stay little forever, but I can't wait to hear his voice. I already know what it will sound like in my mind.
Brooks got windburned on the walk (bad mama!) today. He was so cute right before bed with his rosy cheeks. We think he looks like a little man in his PJ's that he got from his Oma and Opa.