After Brooks' morning nap, we packed up the car (mama and Brooks) and headed over to our favorite (only at this point...we have one more on the way!) cousins house. We spent a majority of the day playing, and Brooks spent a majority of the day being played with.
Cousin "Up down, Up down" (otherwise known as Maggie, but "up down, up down" to represent her learning to make an "M")
also loves her cousin Brooks so much. She gets a little bit more upset when Brooks borrows her toys to chew on, but is learning to share quite well. Cousin "up down", is very gifted and it is so fun to listen to a two year old talk with a vocabulary of a 10 year old. Today she told me that she would like to be an astronaut some day. She really is ONLY 2.
After a great day with our cousins, mama and Brooks headed off to church to help prepare a meal for our Wednesday night Alpha group. Brooks got a little bit crabby and tired, so he ended up going home with daddy so mama could go to her parenting class (which she has been skipping the last few weeks). The class was great and it is so nice to listen to other moms and gather information about what to expect as Brooks grows up.
Brooks and mama are very sad tonight. We are sad because daddy is going hunting tomorrow and we will miss him terribly. We are so glad he can have some quality time with his dad, but will miss him lots. This will be the first time that our family will be apart for an extended period of time since Brooks was born. We are already counting down until daddy comes home and he isn't even gone yet.