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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Brooks and I went to church today. Greg stayed home with a sore throat and cold. Brooks had his first real experience in the nursery and did well. When I went to pick him up, he was laying on the floor "playing" with a bunch of other kids who were the same age. Brooks looks so much bigger than them though, because he is over 25 pounds and in the 100 percentile for height as well. He also has a HUGE head (just like his mom)!

After church, Brooks and I came home to be with daddy. After tacos for lunch, the whole family took a much needed rest.

We just finished feeding Brooks his dinner. It consisted of rice cereal, formula, chicken and stars, and applesauce. He would have kept eating if we would have let him. This kid is so very healthy! The doctor told us not to worry though. He promised we wouldn't have a 7 foot 300 pound child. :)

Love, Love.