Tonight Brooks had his first swimming lesson at our local YMCA. The whole family went early in order for mama and daddy to get a workout in. Brooks got good reports from the nursery and was really excited when we came to pick him up.
We've always known Brooks loves the water. When he was just a baby we were able to give him a bath, pour water over his head and splash water on him and he wouldn't flinch or cry for that matter. Once he got a little bit older (3 months or so), he'd smile every time we gave him a bath. Now, he just can' t get enough of bath time and would play in the tub all day if we'd let him.
Brooks did great at lessons tonight. We practiced counting to three and having Brooks slide off the edge of the pool into our arms. We also played ring around the rosy and motorboat. Brooks kicked his legs on his back and on his stomach. He was even flirting with the instructor.
After lessons, daddy got Brooks ready for bed (at the Y!) and we all loaded up in the car. By the time we got home it was obvious that all the exercise had made our little man pretty sleepy.
All in all it was a great family night. Brooks is so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy. His daddy is so involved in his life (he stays home with Brooks two days a week while mama works) and does such a great job "taking over" when mama needs a break. We both love him so much.