We had a good time visiting Auntie Bean in Colorado. We were able to see where she goes to school, meet her new friends and do some tourist type activities. We visited the Olympic Training Center and also Garden of the Gods. It was beautiful. Brooks was a trooper. We had many people ohh and ahh over him and tell us how well behaved he was on the plane. There was only one stretch of the plane rides that he was crabby, other than that you wouldn't of even known he was on the plane unless you were one of the lucky ones he was flirting with over the back of the seat!
Brooks had a couple of firsts on this trip. He got a much needed haircut for the first time and learned to pull himself up on things for the first time. He now stands (I can't believe it) up in his crib and screams at the top of his lungs for us to come and get him. Once he sees us, he just smiles at us like he is so cute or something! :) We have pictures of the first haircut, but we have to figure out how to load them from Snapfish onto this site. Once we figure that out, we'll let you see how Brooks went from baby to little boy in less than ten minutes. He now has bangs and sideburns. It is so cute. He cried when we had to hold his head and hands down. It took 4 of us to get the cut accomplished and it still is a little bit uneven. What can you do when your 8 month old has a full head of hair?
Upon return we got to see our cousins (Kennedy and Maggie) who were really missing their cousin Brooks. They kept asking their mama when Brooks would be home. She would tell them and they'd reply "That's a long time!". (It was only 4 days!) Kennedy and Maggie came over on Tuesday and we ventured into the woods in our backyard to play "Pilgrims". We brought out corn and walnuts to mash and make into bread. It was great to visit with Auntie S'ers again and so fun to be with the girls again.
Life is now getting back to normal. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving at our new house this year and look forward to spending time with our awesome families! Kennedy took this picture of Auntie S'ers and me playing "Pilgrims" in the woods. We put down our "weapons" and "fishing spears" to take this picture. Too fun.