Trick or Treat! Brooks had a great first Halloween. He made a perfect chicken! His two cousins (Kennedy and Maggie) had matching costumes which made for quite a sight as they made the rounds trick-or-treating.
First stop was the office. How can anyone deny candy to three little chickens walking around just looking for a sugar fix? Luckily, co-workers Kelley and Sara were prepared with candy. They got the kids started with their quest to fill their trick or treat bags. After a brief visit at the office it was time to move on.
The next stops included suprise visits to all of the Great Grandparents houses (Grandma Elsie, Grandma Carol and Grandpa Gordy, and Grandpa Russ and Garnett). The kids had fun at each house and it was just as much of a treat for the great-grandparents!
With all of the excitement, Brooks forgot that he's supposed to take a couple of naps during the day. It was definitely an "on the go" kind of day and Mama and Brooks stopped home after visiting the great-grandparents to give Brooks a chance to rest up and get ready for the evening festivities. Brooks had other plans though and refused to sleep. Amazingly, he was still his happy go lucky little self and would remain so for the remainder of the evening.
The last stop of the day was a trip to church for the Halloween carnival. There were kids everywhere! It's pretty neat to see so many people choose to spend their Halloween at church. In addition to all sorts of games and contests, everyone got to walk across the stage to show off their costumes. Brooks can't really walk yet, so his Opa was more than willing to carry him across the stage. He must have done okay because he was awarded best costume in his age category! He received a goody bag filled with toys and candy!
The Johnson family returned home after the church carnival. It was now well over an hour past Brooks' bed-time. Still not quite ready to sleep, Brooks wanted a little help sorting through all of his loot. Mama let him suck on a tootsie roll and he seemed to like it. After a few minutes, the candy was replaced with a bottle and before you knew it the little guy was out like a light.
All in all, a great 1st Halloween!