Happy Thanksgiving a day late to everyone! We have had a super busy week and have not had a second to update. Here is our "week in review!"
Monday: Mama worked. Daddy took Brooks to lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Johnson. After work, Mama and Daddy got Brooks all dressed into his swimsuit only to realize that there were no swimming lessons because of Thanksgiving. So...daddy, being the awesome daddy that he is, gave Brooks swimming lessons in the bathtub.

Tuesday: Happy Birthday Celebration for our Auntie S'ers. She turned 31 on Thanksgiving so we celebrated with a party at Oma and Opa's house. We also went to Kindermusick and had a blast "scrubbing, dusting and washing our clothes." (The theme this week was cleaning)
Wednesday: Mama had to go to the cities for work. When she got home she brought Brooks over to Auntie Le Le's for a sleepover. Then mama, daddy, Auntie S'ers and Uncle Keven went to the grocery store to get food for Thanksgiving. Everyone went back to the our house to set the table, make potatoes for Thanksgiving and play Wii (the boys!). It ended up being a late night but was so much fun.
Thursday: Happy TURKEY Day! We are so thankful for our little man "Brooks Hartley." He has blessed us in so many ways. We can't remember life without him and feel like he has been in our family forever. He brings us so much joy and we thank the Lord for him. It was a great day with the whole family over at our house for dinner. We also enjoyed each other's company at the Turkey Trot. Brooks experienced his first race being pushed by Opa for the 4 mile race. He even got a T-shirt that may fit him when he is 10 years old or so.

Friday: When Brooks woke up we had a little "family bed time." It was fun to cuddle Brooks in bed and give him millions of kisses. We all had the day off, so we went shopping and hung out as a family. This evening we had Greg's close group of friends over with their wives and kids. It was really fun to see the group changing as more babies are born. Brooks found a new friend named "Lilly." She is one month younger than Brooks. He tried to kiss Lilly and also shared his toys real nicely with her. Notice that Brooks is a GIANT next to Lilly. He looks like he is 2 years old!