On Monday Brooks and I (daddy) decided to take a road trip to visit Auntie Michele. She lives just a little over two hours away which makes for a pretty easy day trip. We called Grandma Johnson (are you used to being called that yet, Mom?) to see if she would like to join us and she jumped at the opportunity.
We picked up Grandma, filled up the tank, and we were off. Brooks loves to travel. He's a pretty vocal passenger. We often comment that there's a "party of one" going on in the back seat. Brooks entertained us with his squeals for quite some time until he fizzled out and took his morning nap.
It was nice to have some one-on-one time with my mom on the ride down. The conversation was good and the ride went quickly. Before you knew it, we were at Michele's doorstep.
Michele is pregnant with her first, and she looks great. We're all very excited for her and her husband Tom. They're going to make great parents and it was fun to see how prepared they are for their baby son Dylan to arrive. Dylan's room is pretty much all set and the car seat is already in place. It's very weird to think that Michele will be a Mom the next time I see her!
We spent a bunch of time just watching Brooks play and start to crawl. He's so close! He makes it about three steps forward on his knees before falling on his belly. After some playtime it was time for a nap. Brooks borrowed Dylan's Pack-N-Play and went down for a good nap while we had some lunch and visited. It was nice being able to spend time with both of them. It was a very relaxing day and a good opportunity to show Michele how much fun parenthood is.
Brooks was awesome during the entire visit. Full of smiles as usual. The day went by quickly and it was time to head back home. Once again we got to listen to the "party of one" going on in the back seat. It makes me laugh every time. The conversation was just as good on the return trip as it was on the trip down and we were back home in no time.
I'm so thankful to have such a great family. I have the best wife in the world and both of our families are very loving and get to be a big part of Brooks' life. We are blessed.