I was cleaning out my workout clothing (nesting much?) and Brooks had a blast putting on my biking jersey and other clothes. He was sure he was "just like daddy" with his Wookiee Juice bike jersey on. He also managed to put my arm warmers (pink) on his legs. What a cutie.

Brooks loves to bathe in our "big bathtub" or "mama's bathtub". Greg gave him a bath in his favorite tub this week and captured some pretty cute pictures if I do say so myself. One of Brooks' new favorite things is actually laying back in the water and getting his ears and hair wet. It makes him seem so grown up. I remember when he used to barely be able to sit up in the tub and we were so nervous about him falling backwards and hitting his head. It really seems like yesterday.
Brooks loves to bathe in our "big bathtub" or "mama's bathtub". Greg gave him a bath in his favorite tub this week and captured some pretty cute pictures if I do say so myself. One of Brooks' new favorite things is actually laying back in the water and getting his ears and hair wet. It makes him seem so grown up. I remember when he used to barely be able to sit up in the tub and we were so nervous about him falling backwards and hitting his head. It really seems like yesterday.
Here is the description of the below picture (according to Greg):
"Cheeseburger and french fries"...
Do you think he goes to McDonald's too much? Yikes! He was so creative to use his Daddy's reading lamp and watch charger in order to mimic the lady who takes the orders at his favorite place.
Greg was going to give his old Nike hat to Goodwill until he realized it fits his two year old son! Brooks got my head which is very large and Greg has a tiny head which is just about the same size as Brooks' head! I noticed in this picture (which Greg took), he has a sucker in his hand and a taffy in his mouth. I think everyone is going to start thinking all we do it give this kid junk food. That isn't entirely true as Brooks loves mushrooms, broccoli, sweet potatoes, meatloaf, apples, grapes, turkey, chicken...you get the point. I think we just capture some of his happiest moments when he is eating candy or thinking about McDonald's.
Things are still just super normal on the baby front. Our little princess should be here in about 38 days (who's counting?). We finally ordered her changing table and it will be here in six weeks. Looks like she may arrive without a changing table. I think it is so funny how different the second child is. I would have DIED if Brooks arrived without a changing table. I am not as worried about our new baby not having a changing table because I realize she will never know the difference. (BTW: The changing table we used for Brooks was a hand me down and was completely trashed when Brooks was done with it. The drawers wouldn't open and it was literally falling apart.) I am just as excited about this baby, but have so many other things (Brooks) to worry about. It seems so much more relaxed this time knowing that when she gets here it will all be fine even if her bedroom isn't perfect.
Tomorrow is the marathon. Greg hopes to run a 3:20, but feels like if he has a great day he would be able to run a 3:15 which would qualify him for Boston! I told him if he qualifies, we are taking a family vacation to the East Coast to watch him run. Go Daddy, GO! Brooks is at his Auntie Linda's tonight so that I am able to go and give Greg water along the course tomorrow without the help of a two year old. Thanks, Linda!
I go to the doctor on Thursday and if there is anything to report I will be sure to do so. The appointments have seemed so normal and have told me nothing new, so I doubt there will be much to report. I guess that is a good thing. Keep praying for a healthy baby.