Brooks loves his Daddy. We woke up on Father's Day and made Greg French toast. It was pretty yummy if I do say so myself. After we ate, Greg got back in bed so we could give him his presents in bed. Brooks made his daddy a very special present that he painted all by himself. At first, we started with only one color at a time but eventually during the project I gave Brooks the freedom to mix the colors. The result was a very beautiful piece of art for Daddy's office. Brooks kept telling Greg, "I made it, I made it". Greg would put it down and Brooks would want him to pick it back up so he could show his Daddy what "he made". It was pretty awesome to see how proud Brooks was.
My two favorite men/boys in the whole world (although Brooks continues to tell us he is a girl not a boy)!
My two favorite men/boys in the whole world (although Brooks continues to tell us he is a girl not a boy)!
Here is the work of art that Brooks worked so hard on. He really did the entire thing by himself. It was a really fun project to surprise Daddy with.
We went to church and then went down to the lake to see my dad and Greg's dad. Brooks ended up napping almost the whole time so both Greg and I got to have a few moments of relaxation. It was nice. On the way home we saw a turtle on the side of the road. Greg, being the super dad that he is, stopped and showed Brooks the turtle up close. I think the picture above captures perfectly what kind of dad Greg is. He is so hands on and so patient with Brooks. He adores Brooks and is an outstanding daddy.