Brooks imitates everything we do and say. Today Greg was working on his bikes and Brooks wanted to get in on the action. Greg said that Brooks "fixed" his bike and his Auntie's bike for over an hour. Brooks was very interested in all the bike tools in his Daddy's toolbox. It looks like they had a great day. I can always tell they have had fun when Brooks has a different outfit on at the end of the day because he got so dirty!

It is so fun to watch Brooks do exactly what his Daddy does. It is also pretty scary to think of what an influence we have on our kids. I am so glad there is no swearing in our household and for the most part nothing "bad" that Brooks would imitate!
It is so fun to watch Brooks do exactly what his Daddy does. It is also pretty scary to think of what an influence we have on our kids. I am so glad there is no swearing in our household and for the most part nothing "bad" that Brooks would imitate!