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Monday, June 29, 2009

Bummed Out.

All I want is a healthy baby. I understand there are many people out there that would do anything to get pregnant and have a healthy child. So, with that said, I would like to vent a little bit about a phone call I received today...(I know I am blessed to be pregnant and to be healthy so far)...

Cell phone rings:

Caller: "Hi, Is this Heather?"

Me: "Yes"

Caller: "I am the scheduler for Dr. J at the hospital. I have you scheduled for your C-section on July 31st at 8:30 am"

Me: (with surprised tone) "Oh, O...K..."

Caller: "You sound surprised. Are you?"

Me: "Well, yes. I thought Dr. J had said the week of the 27th and I was hoping for Monday the 27th (of course!)"

Caller: "Well, that is what fits in Dr. J's schedule. Let me call him and see if he can slide you into Tuesday the 28th".

Me: "Thank you so much".

We hung up and I had some hope that I would not have to "hold on" for an extra week (which by the way, feels like several weeks).

I get a second phone call at work today...

Caller: "Is this Heather?"

Me: "Yes, it is."

Caller: "I talked to Dr. J and he doesn't want to take the baby any earlier than the 31st (which is FRIDAY of the week he told me I would have our baby)."

Me: "Oh, okay."

Caller: "What is your actual due date?"

Me: "August 4th according to the ultrasound."

Caller: "Hmmm...okay. Well, that is what Dr. J told me."

Me: "He's the doctor (in my sad voice like I wanted to cry)".

The scheduler was super nice and I love my doctor. I am just bummed out! Don't they realize that 4 days longer than I thought having this little one push on my bladder and make me super uncomfortable is not what I wanted?

So, my next hope is that she comes a little bit early on her own. Brooks came 14 days (or so) early and was over 9 pounds. Maybe she will do the same thing and I won't even have to worry about July 31st!

Otherwise, in the grand scheme of life, everything is going well. I am officially super uncomfortable, but that didn't start until the last week or so. This pregnancy has been much easier physically than the pregnancy with Brooks. I think a lot of it is because I have worked out the entire time, six days a week, and have not missed/skipped at all. I may be the "big girl on the treadmill" as we call it, but it is all worth it.
Keep praying for an early arrival. Not too early, maybe just July 27th like I once had planned. :)
This is how I feel...