Brooks got a new swing set last week from his Oma and Opa! He loves it. Here is the picture from the backyard of his reaction. We kept the blinds closed while it was being installed and didn't tell Brooks what was going on in the backyard. When it was all finished, I snuck outside to take a picture of his reaction to seeing his new swing set! He was so excited, threw his hands in the air, fell down the front steps running to the backyard, and couldn't get to it fast enough. He calls it his "Playground". Too cute.

My parents were inside with him and had to point to the HUGE swing set in the backyard. I think it is so funny he didn't see it right away.
My parents were inside with him and had to point to the HUGE swing set in the backyard. I think it is so funny he didn't see it right away.
Oma climbed up on in the "fort" with Brooks. At first we were all so nervous about him climbing up the different options, but within a day he has proven that he is totally capable (more than most 2 year olds, I think) and has no fear! He loves his new swing set and asks to go outside to his "playground" every day (several times)! :)