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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Our friends from church welcomed a baby girl into the world last week! It was so fun to get to see her and such a blessing to their family to finally have a girl (they already have 3 boys)! It was a real eye opener to hold baby Audrey. She wasn't a tiny baby, but she sure seemed tiny. It is hard to imagine that will be us THIS MONTH! Yikes!

The kids had a fun time on Sunday playing "sleepover". In case you are wondering, they are NOT naked. They just have this thing about getting too "hot" when they play and eventually they all end up in their underwear/diaper only. I suppose there will come an age where this won't be appropriate anymore. I hate for that day to come, but it might be sooner than we can imagine! Kennedy is growing up way to fast!

This pretty much sums up Brooks. He is such a happy kid. Don't get me wrong, when he doesn't get his way he is the temper-tantrum king, but for the most part he is just pure joy. I love it.

Opa can never be left out of the fun. The kids love their Opa to pieces. Pictures like this remind me so much of when I was little. My dad (Opa) was always playing games with us, trying to balance us on his hands, playing "squish" with us and being silly with us. It is so neat to see that he is still in tune with kids and loves his grandchildren more than anything. They adore their Opa because he is so much fun.
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