We are two days away (one full day) from meeting our baby girl! Yeah! Today may have been the longest day of my LIFE. There was nothing bad about it, but the minutes seemed like hours. We are so excited for Friday morning that we (I) can't seem to keep my mind off of it. Brooks seems to be extra cute these last few days. He wants to cuddle quite a bit and has been extra loving. I wonder if he knows that his world is about to change.

I am so excited for Friday and at the same time have some sadness that Brooks will no longer be an only child. I know I will love our baby girl just as much as Brooks, but the last two and a half years with only Brooks have been so special. I know he will adjust quickly, as kids always do, but I just never want him to feel left out or unloved. I am a second child and I never felt that way, but I still have these crazy up and down emotions about the whole thing.
I am so excited for Friday and at the same time have some sadness that Brooks will no longer be an only child. I know I will love our baby girl just as much as Brooks, but the last two and a half years with only Brooks have been so special. I know he will adjust quickly, as kids always do, but I just never want him to feel left out or unloved. I am a second child and I never felt that way, but I still have these crazy up and down emotions about the whole thing.
Brooks has continued to be very active these last few days. He continues to need lots of re-direction to obey. He's been doing better and life seems to be getting a little bit easier (just in time for it to get harder!). Brooks snuck into our bathroom and Greg caught him in the act of being naughty. How could we get mad at a kid who is this cute when he is doing something he knows is wrong?
Life is about to change and I know it will be great. I can't wait and at the same time am loving and cherishing these last few days as a family of three. Tomorrow, Greg and I both have the day off and we will spend it together as a family. I think we are going to take Brooks to the local gymnastics center in the morning and maybe do a family lunch before nap. Brooks is staying at his Auntie Linda's house tomorrow night because we need to be at the hospital at 6:00 am on Friday! We will keep you all posted. Please continue to pray for a healthy little girl and no complications with the surgery.