We went to the lake this on the 4th of July to spend some time playing in the sun. It was a very active weekend for Brooks. He swam, rode the Sea-Doo, looked for frogs, played games at the baseball field, played with his cousins, and watched his first parade. He seemed to really enjoy himself and I can't believe that as I type this (9:30 on Sunday night) he is still talking in his bed and isn't sleeping! I thought for sure he'd be asleep within seconds of putting his head on his pillow.

Brooks has wanted one of these water squirters for a while, so on Friday night before we left for the lake I snuck to Walgreen's and made the big purchase! He was thrilled to finally have his own squirter. He didn't really know how to use it and couldn't figure it out. This was a good thing though because it enabled me to stay dry as I watched him by the pool.
Brooks has wanted one of these water squirters for a while, so on Friday night before we left for the lake I snuck to Walgreen's and made the big purchase! He was thrilled to finally have his own squirter. He didn't really know how to use it and couldn't figure it out. This was a good thing though because it enabled me to stay dry as I watched him by the pool.
Brooks was excited to get to ride on the Sea-Doo with Opa. He calls the Sea-Doo's the "Keven" boats, because last time we were at the lake Uncle Keven had a little accident with one of them. So now, they are forever going to be the "Keven" boats to Brooks. His memory is so great and nothing sneaks by this kid.
Brooks had a blast playing in the two pools we set up. They were just his size and were pretty warm by the end of the day. Brooks spent much of his day making "potato soup" for us out of the pool water. He made sure to warn us that the soup was "hot" and that we needed to "blow on it" before we took bites of it.