We have the week off and have been enjoying a Johnson/Johnson family vacation. We didn't go anywhere fancy, just the lake, but have had a good time. We spent the first day taking bike rides, walking around the lake, taking the Sea Doo's out and swimming at the State Park. The weather was perfect and it was very relaxing.

Here is Brooks with his "frog" that his Daddy got him. It is a great invention for anyone who uses a life jacket and water wings. This "frog" keeps Brooks totally upright in the water without us holding onto him. He loves it. We use it at the pool as well and it makes things a lot easier for me since I am not moving very fast these days. (I suppose I should put a disclaimer on here that we DO NOT use this as the main means of watching/protecting Brooks in the water. Of COURSE we are right with him and have our eyes on him at all times!)
Here is Brooks with his "frog" that his Daddy got him. It is a great invention for anyone who uses a life jacket and water wings. This "frog" keeps Brooks totally upright in the water without us holding onto him. He loves it. We use it at the pool as well and it makes things a lot easier for me since I am not moving very fast these days. (I suppose I should put a disclaimer on here that we DO NOT use this as the main means of watching/protecting Brooks in the water. Of COURSE we are right with him and have our eyes on him at all times!)
We drove to Hayward for the day on Tuesday and had a blast. Brooks got to be out of his stroller in the candy store which was very exciting for him. He was all business and filled his whole basket with candy. We were able to "trick" him though and only bought a little bit of what he was expecting. He was so excited in the store that it was hard to tell him he couldn't have all the candy he had so perfectly placed in his basket.
We ended up talking to a man outside the candy store who had been visiting Hayward for many years. He suggested that we check out a place called "Wilderness Walk". He told me it would be great for Brooks because, "he must be 4 right?" Ha! I told the man that Brooks was only 2, but he still thought we should check it out. He was right on with his suggestion. This place is perfect for little kids. The kids got to actually be inside cages with baby deer, baby cows, and a baby lamb. There was lots of opportunity for the kids to feed all of the animals and it wasn't overwhelming at all. I would highly suggest it to anyone who has kids from age 2 to 8. Kennedy and Maggie loved it too!