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Friday, September 5, 2008

Greg = Amazing.

Here is to our husband and daddy, Greg. I just feel this overwhelming urge to write about the kind of man that Greg is. He is an amazing husband in so many ways. He puts our family first--all the time. He protects us, takes care of us and is our very own quarter-master (if you don't know, that is a Boy Scout term for the person who in in charge of keeping everyone else organized and who is in charge of all the gear). Greg leads our household and reminds us to pray when we forget to. Greg kisses and hugs me every day too many times to count. Greg respects me and my wishes and lets me dream. He supports my crazy ideas and doesn't make fun of me. Greg is a kind, loving husband and friend. I really don't know another husband who is as wonderful as he is.

Greg is the best daddy ever. He plays with Brooks everyday and always has lots of time for our little buddy. Greg hides in the closet and jumps out at Brooks, gets inside the tunnel in the living room and giggles with Brooks, and reads tons and tons of books to Brooks. Greg doesn't get overwhelmed or frustrated when Brooks doesn't obey, instead he disciplines Brooks in a stern yet loving manner. When I leave for work, I never worry if Brooks will be taken care of correctly. Greg adores Brooks, prays for and with Brooks, and puts Brooks' needs before his own. Brooks loves his daddy and his whole body smiles with delight when Greg enters the room. It is too cool.

I love you, Greg. You are amazing and wonderful and I am glad I can tell (or remind) the whole world. You are the best. Thank you for putting our sweet little family first and for loving us unconditionally.

We love you.
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