Our sweet children...

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The weather lately has rocked. It has been a super warm March in comparison to a typical March in Duluth. We have taken full advantage of it by playing outside almost every day. Brooks loves his bike, but might be ready for a bike with training wheels (a step "up" from his like-a-bike). We had to raise the seat on his bike a lot this year which was just another reminder of how big Brooks is getting.

Cousin time outside continues to be Brooks favorite. They play so well together. We are finally hitting the stage where Brooks can be outside playing on the equipment with his cousins and I don't need to be outside with him. YES I check on him every two minutes and YES I keep a window open so I can hear him, but he is finally able to interact without getting himself in trouble and making decisions that aren't good ones.

Kennedy and Maggie are the two loves of Brooks life and his entire body tenses up in joy when they come over to play. On Tuesday night, Kennedy and Maggie have started a "Kids Club" that Brooks has been invited to. It should be fun. They made signs, have a dues bucket and are in the process of putting up a sheet so that no adults can see in the club (think...Little Rascals). They already have their handshake and Kennedy told me tonight she just needs some new pens and pencils by Tuesday for "Club". It is adorable seeing as the only members are Brooks, Maggie and Kennedy. It's things like "Kids Club" that they will remember when they are older and get that warm feeling reflecting how awesome their childhood was (I get that feeling with my sissies lots).

And then there is the Belle. She is so fun right now. She smiles, dances, coos, growls, scootches (not a crawl, a two armed scooch like a snake), and interacts very well with her toys. Belle is super content, so usually like to sit outside and watch her brother play. She loves the fresh air and her eyes dart from each interesting object she sees. She is a precious girl.

There is something special about this picture. I didn't edit it to make her eyes extra blue, but Greg asked me if I did. Belle is so beautiful and unique. She has a head that is almost a perfect square (most people have ovals or circles), very unique hair that has some sweet, random parts and curls, and eye brows that seem to never end. We say it every day, but we are so glad we got our girl. It's a blast having one of each. Yeah for a complete family!
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Our little guy had his first day of school last Monday. He was so excited that he is finally potty trained and could go to the "building school". He was all smiles as we entered the building. He had quite the entourage as he was greeted at his first day by Oma, Opa, Ti-Ti, Ka-Ka and Jo-Jo. He felt like a really big deal. Ah-hum...I mean...he IS a really big deal.

Here we are posing with the Lion! Brooks is officially an Lakeview Christian Academy Lion. Way to go, Buddy. I just can't wait to get my LCA sweatshirt with a big lion on it. We are going to be so stylin'.

Brooks did really well hanging his coat up, taking off his shoes and putting on his clean shoes for school. Once we got into the classroom though, he didn't really know what to do. All the other kids have been there since September and Brooks didn't know who to play with or what the routine was. He looked around and then with the biggest, most sad eyes he said to me "Don't leave, Mama". Then, he started to cry. It wasn't a loud cry, just big dripping alligator tears running down his cheeks. It was then that I felt a lump in my throat and a wave of emotion came over me. I started to cry and had to look away. I wanted to be brave for Brooks, but it was perhaps the most pathetic thing and my heart broke for him.

The teacher is great. I am sure she's seen this before. She came and got Brooks and got him interested in a project. She told us that it is harder on parents than the teachers and we should just leave. So, we left. When we picked Brooks up he was all smiles, had lots to tell us and was very excited. He loved school and didn't struggle at all to have fun, learn and enjoy his new friends. Whew!

So, we are blessed again to be able to put Brooks in such a wonderful school. He is there three days a week for 3 hours each day. It is just enough to stimulate our three year old who has the brains and mind of a 5 year old. The coolest part is that he not only is learning the basics of school but he is also learning more about Jesus every day. I've said it before, but our only hope for our children is that they grow up to love the Lord, have a personal relationship with Him and be wise in scripture so they are better able to witness to others. This program is a great start.

It is just amazing how fast our baby has turned into a boy. He is simply an amazing child.
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Attitude already? Nice. She's ready to take on the gym, just like her mommy!
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We had so much fun in Orlando. It is good to be home but was great to spoil Brooks for a few days, too! He was so well behaved and we had a blast.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Monster Bash for our little "Monster"!

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Three years ago today we were blessed with our beautiful boy, Brooks Hartley. He was so little (but really so big for a newborn) and so dark. He had a full head of black hair, very chubby cheeks and a cone head from being lodged in my pelvis. Brooks was delivered via
C-section after a long labor that ended up going nowhere. At the time, the birth, the recovery and the sleepless nights all seemed so hard. Now we can only wish that time would stand still and Brooks would stay 3 forever.

Brooks is a spirited boy to say the least. He does everything with passion and has a tender heart. He reminds us to pray for things if we forget and tells us when we say "naughty words" (like shut-up, not real swear words). He trys to obey most of the time although his spirit and zest sometimes gets in the way. Brooks is tender with his sister and gives her loves and kisses. He is a great big brother and Chloe watches his every move.

Brooks favorite things right now are:
--Yo Gabba Gabba
--His I-Pod
--Sunday School
--Kennedy and Maggie
--Car Washes of any kind
--BaBa and FoFa to sleep with
--Dairy Queen
--Garbanzo beans
--Stories out of Opa's mouth
--the Aquarium
--Making soup and other dishes in his kitchen
--The Doctor
--Medicine (of course only when he needs it, although he'd like it more)

Brooks delights us. He brings JOY to our lives. It's hard to describe the sweetness of Brooks if you don't know him. He says things out of the blue like:
"I love you, Mama"
"Oh, this is going to be so exciting"
"You are the best"
''I want a kiss"
"Will you cuddle me?"
"Don't be sad"
"I'm sorry, Mama"

This child is perfect in every way. We are blessed beyond belief and love him to the moon and back. I don't think we understood love until March 6, 2007 when this bundle of love entered our lives. We love you, Buddy.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chloe is officially 7 months old! WOW! It seems like she is growing up way too quickly. Here are some fun seven month tidbits about our baby Belle:
--She is WAY to big for her carrier. We NEED to move her into a regular car seat.
--She says "ma-ma", but I am not sure Greg is convinced that is what she is really saying.
--She loves to eat anything we give her. Veggies, fruit...you name it, she likes it.
--She has two teeth.
--She smiles most of every day.
--She loves to play in her exo-saucer.
--She is starting to sit up. She isn't very stable yet, though.
--She wears size three diapers.
--She eats every 4 hours (solids and formula)
--She hates having her hair put in a pig tail, but her hair is very wild and needs to be in a pig tail most days.
--She pulls at her hair when she is tired.
--She sleeps from around 6:45pm until 8:00 am most days.
--She has beautiful blue eyes just like her daddy.
--She wears 6-12 month clothing, but 12 month clothing if it is Carter's brand.
--She is starting to become attached and in the last week or so has started to cry when we hand her to someone else (boo).
--She loves her brother and "talks" to him.
--She has her favorite people, but for fear of hurting anyone's feelings we won't name all the names (Daddy and Ti-Ti are a couple of them).
--She is sweet, sweet, sweet. God could not have given us an easier baby. We thought Brooks was easy and she may be even more simple.
--We LOVE her to pieces and can't imagine life without our little Belle.

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