Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Three years ago today we were blessed with our beautiful boy, Brooks Hartley. He was so little (but really so big for a newborn) and so dark. He had a full head of black hair, very chubby cheeks and a cone head from being lodged in my pelvis. Brooks was delivered via
C-section after a long labor that ended up going nowhere. At the time, the birth, the recovery and the sleepless nights all seemed so hard. Now we can only wish that time would stand still and Brooks would stay 3 forever.

Brooks is a spirited boy to say the least. He does everything with passion and has a tender heart. He reminds us to pray for things if we forget and tells us when we say "naughty words" (like shut-up, not real swear words). He trys to obey most of the time although his spirit and zest sometimes gets in the way. Brooks is tender with his sister and gives her loves and kisses. He is a great big brother and Chloe watches his every move.

Brooks favorite things right now are:
--Yo Gabba Gabba
--His I-Pod
--Sunday School
--Kennedy and Maggie
--Car Washes of any kind
--BaBa and FoFa to sleep with
--Dairy Queen
--Garbanzo beans
--Stories out of Opa's mouth
--the Aquarium
--Making soup and other dishes in his kitchen
--The Doctor
--Medicine (of course only when he needs it, although he'd like it more)

Brooks delights us. He brings JOY to our lives. It's hard to describe the sweetness of Brooks if you don't know him. He says things out of the blue like:
"I love you, Mama"
"Oh, this is going to be so exciting"
"You are the best"
''I want a kiss"
"Will you cuddle me?"
"Don't be sad"
"I'm sorry, Mama"

This child is perfect in every way. We are blessed beyond belief and love him to the moon and back. I don't think we understood love until March 6, 2007 when this bundle of love entered our lives. We love you, Buddy.

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