Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 31, 2010

We have a six month old! We are amazed at how fast she is growing up and how we feel like we've known her forever. She is a wonderful addition to our family and the perfect child to finish off our family. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby.

Here is the six month recap:
--Chloe has no teeth, but might be getting her bottom left tooth. She has been drooling quite a bit lately and is very interested in chewing her fingers.

--Chloe has a wardrobe that never ends courtesy of her Oma and Opa. Chloe never has to wear "repeat" clothing. Chloe has had fun blessing other families with her hand-me-downs.

--Chloe wears size 6-12 month clothing and in some stores she wears 12 month outfits.

--Chloe has lots of rolls on her legs. So many, that mommy and daddy have to be sure to pull on them in order to clean between them.

--Chloe has tons of hair and it gets in her eyes if it isn't pulled back.

--Chloe sleeps from around 7:30 pm until 6:00 am. At that time, she likes to be moved to the living room by the fireplace. Then, she sleeps for another 2 hours or so. She usually eats breakfast around 8:00 am.

--Chloe eats rice cereal, formula, veggies and fruit. So far, there is nothing she won't eat.

--Chloe loves her "silkies" and needs silk by her face in order to fall asleep.

--Chloe barely sits up (mostly because we haven't tried).

--Chloe's entire body smiles when she recognizes someone coming into the room.

--Chloe only cries when she is tired or has a dirty diaper.

--Chloe has had no illness or health concerns since she was a baby. Her ear is healed and looks normal unless you know something was wrong with it and PRAISE THE LORD she has had no kidney problems at all.

--Chloe is a princess, wears lots of pink and is spoiled rotten by everyone who knows her.

We love you, Belle. Happy 6 month birthday, sweetie. XOXO

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We had a blast in Mexico. It was fun to thaw out, get some sun, run without a snowsuit on and enjoy the family. It was wonderful to "get away" from all my motherly duties, but it was even more wonderful to be welcomed back by my beautiful children and husband. Greg took excellent care of everything while I was gone, but it is the BEST to be together again.

We decided our next trip will be as a family and will include some Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck! We can't wait.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Fun Day (Part 3 of 3)

After a fun time at the Duluth Children's Museum we headed home to do a little snow removal and settle in for the night. After three days of unsuccessful nap attempts, Brooks' heavy eyelids finally got the best of him and he caught a few zzz's on the car ride home. It must have been a power nap though, because as soon as we pulled in the driveway he was wide awake and anxious get his shovel to help me clear the sidewalk.

Chloe was an angel all day and was full of smiles (even more so than usual). I'm glad that she's such a happy baby. I'm biased, but she really is a princess.

The snow has been cleared. The kids fed, bathed, and in bed. I'm not big on football, but it's looking like now might be as good as time as any to jump on the Vikings bandwagon.

When you look at Chloe this is what you get.




5 minutes later, ready to go again.
That's a wrap for our weekend!

Sunday Fun Day (Part 2 of 3)

After some play time at the house, we decided to head over to the Duluth Children's Museum at the Depot. Brooks was really looking forward to "waking up the dragon" at one of his favorite exhibits, so we were a bit bummed out to learn that much of the museum was closed for renovation. Oh well, we had fun anyway!

I had to reassure Brooks that the train wouldn't run him over.
Future conductor?
Feelin' pretty cool!
Giving himself a big bear hug.
Through the looking glass.
To be continued...

Sunday Fun Day (Part 1 of 3)

Another fun day in the books for the Johnson household. Started off by the day going to church. Brooks did great at Sunday School and as a reward for his good behavior, I treated him to one of his favorite meals... bean and cheese burritos! He downed two of them in no time flat and we headed back home for some playtime and hopefully a nap (for Brooks, not for me).

Chloe ready for church.

Brooks in his church outfit.

Buds (two days in a row!)

Tummy time (no-hands style)

To be continued...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Saturday Pictures

Don't want to leave Chloe-Belle out...

If she could talk, this is what she would say.

No sibling rivalry here (for now, anyway).
Deep in thought on the activity mat.

Stormy Saturday

Saturday was spent inside in anticipation of the big storm headed our direction. Freezing rain this morning and afternoon had coated everything with a thick coat of ice which wasn't very conducive to taking the kids out and about. Heavy snow is expected this evening and for the remainder of the weekend. Hopefully tomorrow we can get outside and make a snowman!

Activities today included:
  • Reading books to Chloe
  • Bath time fun
  • Being silly
  • Calling more car washes (see previous post)
  • Home improvement projects (with Brooks' help, of course!)

Having fun in the tub.
This is my favorite "funny face" that Brooks makes.
Hamming it up.
Brooks' sensitive side.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Fun - Part 2

What time is it?....
Cousin Time!

Maggie is already showing Chloe how to be a diva.

Kennedy helping out (so did Maggie, just didn't get a good pic).
Chloe-Belle doing what she does best. Looking cute!

The kids had a blast chasing each other around the house, playing elevator in the closet, and especially doing "artists." The paints, Play-Doh, glue, markers and crayons were all out in full force. Fun stuff!

Brooks has been infatuated with car washes lately. Today he had me call (on his play telephone) all of the car washes in town to ask whether or not they were open. Too cute. Yesterday Brooks BEGGED me to take him through a car wash. The car needed it so I obliged (and yes, I'm a sucker). As we were pulling out of the car wash, Brooks immediately said "let's get the car dirty so we can go to another car wash!" (and no, I'm not that big of a sucker).

We're looking forward to a fun filled (and snowy) weekend!

Friday Fun

While Heather enjoys a few days of well-deserved R&R, I'm taking it upon myself to add blog updates to my list of "daddy duties." So Honey, if you're checking this, we love you, miss you, and want you to have a great time soaking up some sun. Say hi to the rest of the crew and we'll see you soon!

Brooks is looking all grown up! Chef Boy R Brooks

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We love being silly.

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Brooks got out cross country skiing for the first time this week. His daddy taught him, and the report is that he did better than expected. He had a great time, fell a lot and kept telling his daddy, "This is fun!" Brooks has a great spirit about being outside, doesn't mind the cold and enjoys being able to burn off energy in ways other than doing laps around the island in the kitchen.

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Our little peanut loves her dolly. It is fun to watch her develop and begin to interact with her toys. She coos at them, grabs at them and most of all loves to eat all of her toys. Right now, this is her favorite toy. Thanks, Auntie Bean!

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