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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Fun Day (Part 3 of 3)

After a fun time at the Duluth Children's Museum we headed home to do a little snow removal and settle in for the night. After three days of unsuccessful nap attempts, Brooks' heavy eyelids finally got the best of him and he caught a few zzz's on the car ride home. It must have been a power nap though, because as soon as we pulled in the driveway he was wide awake and anxious get his shovel to help me clear the sidewalk.

Chloe was an angel all day and was full of smiles (even more so than usual). I'm glad that she's such a happy baby. I'm biased, but she really is a princess.

The snow has been cleared. The kids fed, bathed, and in bed. I'm not big on football, but it's looking like now might be as good as time as any to jump on the Vikings bandwagon.

When you look at Chloe this is what you get.




5 minutes later, ready to go again.
That's a wrap for our weekend!