Our sweet children...

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Fun - Part 2

What time is it?....
Cousin Time!

Maggie is already showing Chloe how to be a diva.

Kennedy helping out (so did Maggie, just didn't get a good pic).
Chloe-Belle doing what she does best. Looking cute!

The kids had a blast chasing each other around the house, playing elevator in the closet, and especially doing "artists." The paints, Play-Doh, glue, markers and crayons were all out in full force. Fun stuff!

Brooks has been infatuated with car washes lately. Today he had me call (on his play telephone) all of the car washes in town to ask whether or not they were open. Too cute. Yesterday Brooks BEGGED me to take him through a car wash. The car needed it so I obliged (and yes, I'm a sucker). As we were pulling out of the car wash, Brooks immediately said "let's get the car dirty so we can go to another car wash!" (and no, I'm not that big of a sucker).

We're looking forward to a fun filled (and snowy) weekend!