Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 28, 2010

Swimming pool and Waterpark of America = FUN.

Unlimited junk food and late bed times = FUN.

Being able to paint my own face, use whatever color I want and not have to wash it off = FUN!

Looking like a super cool dude the rest of the day at the Children's Museum = FUN!

Mommy and Daddy getting to give Brooks 100% of their undivided attention all weekend = PRICELESS.

We love you and your lust for life, Brooks.

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And we wonder why Brooks went to the bathroom on the garage floor the other day?
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We missed Chloe so much this weekend. It was nice to have time with Brooks, but it wasn't quite right without our littlest bundle. It turns out she has an ear infection for the first night and didn't sleep well at all (sorry Ti-Ti and Uncle). BUT, Super Sister Stephy came to the rescue and took Chloe to Q-Care to get checked. She was put on some antibiotics and had a much better night the second night (You are WELCOME, Oma and Opa).

It's the best having family willing to help out. As we were unpacking tonight we noticed all of Chloe's clothes were washed, she had new cereal and brand new pacifiers. Greg said to me, "Wow, we have a great family." It's a simple statement, but it is SO true.

We are so glad to be home with our little Belle. I can't wait until tomorrow when she wakes up and I get to smell and kiss her neck. It is just so yummy.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

When Greg pulled in from work he told me that Brooks was just about the cutest thing ever to come home to. Can you see why?
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We played outside today and enjoyed the what felt like 300 degree temps. It was pretty muggy, but Chloe and I were able to handle it just long enough to welcome Daddy home from work. As soon as Daddy arrived, we were O-U-T. We were both having heat stroke (not for real) and needed to cool off. Thank goodness for central air.

While we were outside the city stopped by and asked me, "Is there any reason your family used 300 thousand gallons of water this month?" I am not kidding you. This is what he told me. I told him we got sod and maybe that was why. I failed to tell him that my son is obsessed with water...watering the plants, watering the yard, filling up buckets, splashing with the hose and anything else water related. Oops...guess we will have to cut back a little this month, but it's just so much fun.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

I love this man like no other. He is amazing on Father's Day and every day. He makes my heart skip a beat, he makes me smile from the inside out and he completes me. He is 100% the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me. He is PROOF that God is faithful. I love and adore you, Greg.

Thanks for being a rock star daddy. You amaze me.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Chloe has super funny facial expressions. She has a determined look mixed with an angry look when she is trying to get somewhere. She has super pronounced eyebrows and they make her look so funny when she is on a mission. She is also just about the stinkin' cutest little bug I could ever lay eyes on. I literally want to eat her she is so yummy. :)
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So for a random post...here we go.

We went on a hike with church the other night. It was a drizzly night, but ended up being really nice once we got in the woods. Only our group (of 4) finished the whole hike. It was advertised at church as "moderate", but it may have been described as "advanced" by anyone who isn't an athlete at heart. We all had a good time though and it felt good to enjoy God's beauty. Being outside does something so special for the soul.

We picked up our art from Magic Box Photography this week. Greg got it hung up and it looks amazing. We are still waiting on some lettering to go above them, but even without the lettering the pictures are amazing. Here is a peek. Once we have it all done, we will post the final product.

And to end this random post, here is a picture of Chloe in her crib in the morning. Greg went to grab something and Brooks came running to him saying, "I put a flower in Coh-ies (Chloe's) hair for you, Daddy." Greg went into the bedroom to find Chloe-Belle with a beautiful flower in her hair. I guess Brooks observes everything we do every day. What a sweet big brother.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The many hats of the Johnson babies...
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Brooks did a really nice job fixing Daddy's car today. Now, I think it will work much better. Thanks, Brooks! :)
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

My sweet babies.

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It took lots of convincing, but I got my DAD to let me give him a facial. To protect him, I am posting a picture of him with his face covered up. :) I don't want to embarrass him too much. He is such a fun Dad and I had fun giving him the "Royal Facial"! Notice my mom? She didn't need any convincing...she was so relaxed and loved every minute of it! Fun times were had by all...weren't they Dad?
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We had a super relaxing day on Saturday. Our family played tourist around our town, explored a new playground, ran in the beautiful park (Brooks ran...we walked) and enjoyed living on a beautiful lake. After the park, we headed to a new candy store and Brooks picked one thing out of each bin. He loved that we gave him freedom to put "whatever" he wanted in his basket. Somehow when it came time to pay, some of what Brooks picked out made its way out of the basket and back to the bulk bins.

It was really nice to be with our kids and spend time playing with them. Brooks loved that his Mama went on the playground with him. Usually it is Daddy playing while Mama stays with Chloe.

On Sunday we went to a mountain bike race to cheer on Daddy. He never gets to ride his bike anymore, so he was happy with his finish. It was a total mud-fest, but Daddy always has a great attitude and finished with a smile on his face.

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