Our sweet children...

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Monday, June 28, 2010

We missed Chloe so much this weekend. It was nice to have time with Brooks, but it wasn't quite right without our littlest bundle. It turns out she has an ear infection for the first night and didn't sleep well at all (sorry Ti-Ti and Uncle). BUT, Super Sister Stephy came to the rescue and took Chloe to Q-Care to get checked. She was put on some antibiotics and had a much better night the second night (You are WELCOME, Oma and Opa).

It's the best having family willing to help out. As we were unpacking tonight we noticed all of Chloe's clothes were washed, she had new cereal and brand new pacifiers. Greg said to me, "Wow, we have a great family." It's a simple statement, but it is SO true.

We are so glad to be home with our little Belle. I can't wait until tomorrow when she wakes up and I get to smell and kiss her neck. It is just so yummy.

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