Our sweet children...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's been a fan--tas---tic Fall.  It's the middle of November and Brooks was outside today without a jacket!  It's warm and sunny and pretty tropical for Duluth, MN.  We are loving  it and are going to try to remember how beautiful the Fall was when it is April and we still---have---snow (boo).

We had some friends over on Sunday.  It was a blast.  The kids played together perfectly and having four around instead of two actually seemed easier than having just our two.  Brooks  told me he wishes we could have another baby.  No chance of that here.  Poor kid, he's so deprived.  I told him we can have babies come and visit.
He's already forgotten about wanting a baby. 

Now he's onto wanting super powers that would let him see inside of people and a grey Batman costume.

During our time with friends we loved watching the girls be girls and the boys be boys.  

It's amazing, really.