Happy three week birthday, Chloe-Belle. I can't believe you have already been with us almost a month. I feel like I have known you forever and can't imagine life without my princess.

At three weeks you are:
--Starting to bat at objects
--Smiling (or half smiling) once in a while
--Sleeping only 3 hours at a time during the night
--Enjoying being "up" at 4:00 in the morning, ready to play
--Eating 4 ounces of formula every three hours during the day on a schedule
--Barely ever crying or fussy
--Loving your infant seat set up with Beethoven and Bach playing on your musical toy
--Fitting only newborn clothing and have not yet been able to wear any 0-3 month items without swimming in them
--Around 8 pounds (a little more)
At three weeks you are:
--Starting to bat at objects
--Smiling (or half smiling) once in a while
--Sleeping only 3 hours at a time during the night
--Enjoying being "up" at 4:00 in the morning, ready to play
--Eating 4 ounces of formula every three hours during the day on a schedule
--Barely ever crying or fussy
--Loving your infant seat set up with Beethoven and Bach playing on your musical toy
--Fitting only newborn clothing and have not yet been able to wear any 0-3 month items without swimming in them
--Around 8 pounds (a little more)
At three weeks you:
--Have very skinny legs, a tiny head and super chubby cheeks
--Have a small case of baby acne on your nose
--Love to suck on your fingers, hands and pacifier
--Have had more doctor appointments than a "regular" baby because of your special ear
--Have already had an ultrasound and did very well
--Have a full head of black hair and no cradle cap yet
--Get a bath every morning from your Daddy
--Sleep in your crib and have since the second day you came home
--Are our very special baby girl and WE LOVE YOU!